A Fresh Start

Welcome to my new site! I first started my business in 2007 and the last time I did a complete website revamp was in 2011 so this was long overdue.

My career path has ebbed and flowed with my life and now that I’ve split off the work I do for business clients by creating Rigadoon New Media and have shifted my photography from mainly weddings, babies and families to focus on my travel photography, tours and teaching, it made sense to have a new site that was more portfolio driven. I wanted to simplify things and show what I love to shoot. It took a while to find a look I liked, redo my logo, figure out the layout and of course, the most challenging for any self-critical artist, choosing what images to showcase. As a perfectionist and yes, a procrastinator (clients come first), I finally just had to force myself to start and realize that the beauty of a website is that it is fluid and ever changing and I can add images and remove them as my work evolves or make tweaks to fix bugs or how it flows. It’s never easy to put your work out there to be judged but why create art if not to share it, right?

If you visited this blog post first, just click on “HOME” in the menu to see the new look. Please let me know if you see anything amiss!

Thanks for stopping by and spending some time having a look at how I see the world. I hope it inspires you to care about our planet, take more photos of your own or best of all, join in on one of my classes or tours!

Happy Shooting!


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