While I didn’t take away any class awards or judge’s choice like last year, I got my best ever results in the PPOC-Ontario Image Salon with 2 of my images receiving a Merit and 2 more being accepted. It’s no small feat to get all 4 images in the salon!
The image of the lavender fields holds a special place in my heart because my Nikon D810 died in the middle of my family trip to France this summer and for 5 days I tried to make due with my iPhone. When on one of those days, we went to the Valensole Plateau that is renowned for it’s lavender fields as far as the eye can see, I almost cried. The iPhone just didn’t cut it.
I searched online and found a camera rental business in Aix-en-Provence and added a day trip to our itinerary so I could pick up a body. I got a Nikon D7000 which proved to be a great little camera and convinced my husband to drive me back to Valensole in time for the golden hour. When we got to there, there were combines already cutting down the lavender in some of the fields. Had I waited a day, I really would have cried! So to say I’m thrilled to receive a merit for this image is an understatement and I’m so grateful to my husband James for helping me create it. And for all the partners and spouses out there who are so patient with us photographers, thank you! We really do appreciate it.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, my Nikon D810 needed a new power circuit board and had only 1 week left on the 2 year warranty when I brought it in for repair. Phew!